We discuss data from all angles – how to collect it, how to analyze it, how to use it, how to deal with controversy and rule changes. Very often we see the value of data only for ourselves (as for marketers or agencies), we do not find a way to allow consumers to use it. Or we do it to a limited extent, for example translating expenses into points in loyalty programs.
The Finnish retail chain S Group has decided to “give” the data to its consumers. Of course, not raw data, but conclusions from them. In 2019, they created the Carbon Footprint Calculator, which showed what carbon footprint is generated by the products you buy. In 2020, they created a Nutrition Calculator, which shows quite detailed information about the products you buy – category, nutritional values. Information can be compared to other consumers – regionally and nationally. 10% of Finns use the application, almost 50% admitted that they changed their habits thanks to this data – they started buying more local products and eating more vegetables.

For those interested in football, Leo Messi’s transition to PSG was probably an event. However, it was also a treat for people watching the changing world of technology. Messi received some of the fee for changing the club in fan tokens. Their exact number has not been given, but it is said to be a significant number. Tokens are the asset you can buy with cryptocurrency, i.e. they exist only in the digital world. They are issued in a limited number which affects their value. They can be purchased, collected, and resold on special exchange platforms. Holders of tokens released by PSG can participate in micro-decisions made by the club, have access to special offers, events or content. The value of tokens may increase or decrease, it is difficult to say what it depends on (not necessarily only on the results achieved by the team). Rumors of Messi’s transition to PSG resulted in an increase in the value of tokens by more than 130% in a few days. CLICK

And let’s stay for a while in the world of the combined forces of sport and technology. Google is developing Augmented Reality in its search engine and added the ability to watch the feats of popular athletes. Type Simone Biles, Naomi Osaka or Megan Rapinoe in the search box (on the phone), click on “View in 3D” and watch Simone jumps, Naomi serves and Megan takes the free kick right next to you. In the article below, more names of athletes that you can watch in AR. CLICK

Sometimes creativity needs a little help. How to create content or ads on Facebook to stand out from the crowd of others? Below you will find a lot of inspiration – 30 different forms and formats available on FB and as many as 90 examples. In addition, handy hints on what indicators to pay attention to when planning a campaign. CLICK

I have already written a lot about the Stories format in the newsletter. Introduced by Snapchat, copied later by Instagram, Facebook and other platforms. Some of them have already withdrawn from it – Twitter resigned from Fleets in early August, the format was not very popular. This is not a failure, but rather an experiment that has not ended in success. eMarketer has prepared a comprehensive overview of Stories and its use in communication. Which platforms are the most popular, what Stories features are used by creators, how the format is developing across platforms, tips for creating, and predictions about the development and future possibilities of Stories. CLICK
How popular are Stories among users? Almost 700,000 are published every minute on Instagram alone. You can see more statistics on how active internet users are and how much is happening per minute on the infographic below.

Another hot topic of recent months is social audio. This was due to the Clubhouse application, which for a year was available only to insiders, on invitations, and thus built a lot of interest. This interest was so great that other players picked it up and created their own social audio solutions. Spotify, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn … Read what the landscape of this format looks like now. CLICK

I have already mentioned that tokens are digital currency, but they can also have the physical value. Denver Beer Co has released the NFT (non-fungible token), in return for which the buyer will be able to get 4 beers of the brand every day. 4 beers, daily, perpetually. Beer can be shared with friends or family, but the owner of the NFT must always be present. Beer For Life NFT can be resold on the stock exchange (if the owner gets bored of the beer, he will want to get his money back or he will want to earn if the value of the token increases) and Denver Beer Co will get a 10% commission on the sale price. Beer For Live NFT was sold for 4.33 ETH (Etherum, cryptocurrency), or about $ 13,000 (at today’s ETH rate). CLICK