At a time when an invisible virus is waiting for us asleep on door handles, tomatoes, tickets, and payment terminal keys, non-contact technology is gaining in importance.
Non-contact payment applications. Some time ago, Orlen (Pay) introduced the option of payment through applications, allowing you to pay for fuel without going to the station building. Contactless payments offered by Lidl (Pay), now it’s time for Żappka Pay, which allows you to make transactions without touching the PINpad.

Take the package, withdraw the money. A feature appreciated by users in the InPost application is opening the mailbox at a distance parcel locker. The reluctance to touch the PINpad can be seen in the decrease in the number of cash withdrawals from ATMs (-9%) – to limit such contact, we often used BLIK, which transferred most of the process to our phone.
Virtual transport and parking tickets. Applications such as SkyCash or JakDojada, even though during the pandemic they recorded significant tens-per cent decreases in transactions (we stayed at home, as ordered) are now investing in their platforms seeing an increase in interest in contactless purchase and verification of tickets.
Voice shopping service. In the context of a pandemic, it is also worth following the trend related to voice shopping. So far, this solution could not enter the mass consciousness. The pandemic – and an increase in interest in non-contact interfaces, can breathe life into such solutions. Recently, French Carrefour announced the implementation of a voice assistant for shopping, created in cooperation with Google.