The popularity of live transmissions on social media is through the roof. “Lives” are used on an unprecedented scale: both by creators and subjects, as well as recipients and plays. Actors read children’s stories, artists organize concerts, and politicians inform about the current situation about the pandemic. Only in one week of March, the movement for Instagram Live and Facebook Live doubled. * Conferences of the Minister of Health or the Prime Minister are watched by several thousand people, which until recently would be an absolute sensation.
Transmissions have been slowly developing since 2015 and are only now experiencing their 5 minutes. Until now, they were associated with more professional productions, reserved for brands with larger budgets. Many creators who have been afraid of live broadcasts so far are now eager to use this option without worrying about unprofessional production quality. The more authenticity, the better – what matters is the creator and content.
In addition, everything indicates that the popularity of live broadcasts are here to stay. And although the moment for entering this way of communication with consumers now seems ideal, you should first consider the content. You need to remember, that we are slowly entering the “new normality”, so the message # stay home is losing relevance. It is worth remembering that a large proportion of people will start returning to work soon, so their media consumption will change once again. Finally, remember that live broadcasts create a habit, so it is essential that they are not one-off “shots”, but cyclically repeated events.

A few inspirations, also from our clients
Netflix in cooperation with Instagram has launched a series of live events with the participation of actors who answer users’ questions about a pandemic. The action is to emphasize the importance of mental health during isolation.

Also, Saatchi & Saatchi together with the Rak’n’Roll Foundation and donGuralesko used the potential of live broadcasting and organized a concert during which the rapper raised several thousand zlotys for the Foundation