More than a month after starting the global “home office”, all office workers probably agree on one thing: the quality of video calls and leaves a lot to be desired, making meeting and often understanding what the other person is saying difficult. According to global reports, the problem of lost data packets applies to 99% of connections made via the Internet. And although the problem lies on the side of loaded and inefficient connections, its solution may be… an artificial intelligence algorithm.

The algorithm developed by Google can fill in what was not heard. At the moment, this solution can be tested in the Duo program available on Pixel 4 phones. The idea is simple (or rather “simple”). Since the disturbances result from the packet loss, a mechanism should be created that will be able to replace them. This will be helped by the WaveNetEQ neural network, which has been “trained” in the ability to complete packets logically, and thus – “broken” words. When, when receiving data, it turns out that the packet is missing, Google’s algorithm fills it in. What’s more, as you can see from the fragments provided on the company’s website, it does it really well. And this is just the beginning!