The sudden necessity to work from home resulted in an increased need for online communication with colleagues. On the other hand, the growing sense of danger has caused a greater desire to keep in touch with loved ones. These two factors have caused an increase in the use of messengers, which has never been witnessed before. According to Selectivv, which collects and analyzes data on smartphone users, in March 10-17, Poles access MS Teams 3 times, Skype and Viber 5 times more, and Messenger and WhatsApp up to 9 times more often than before. Data on real users from Gemius Megapanel shows that the number of users is also growing, although the higher the popularity of a given communicator to date, the slower the growth.

For brands, this means that what used to be the Holy Grail – reaching people on a massive scale during a 1: 1 conversation between (even) users and not brand users – is just becoming possible. For most Poles, after a long period of relying on online communication, this form will become the most natural way to connect with brands and institutions – and this is the second consequence of the current situation. So if your brand doesn’t have a bot yet – now is the time to think about it.
Source: Gemius Megapanel,9-15.03.,2020, all internet users