The gradual calming down of the pandemic in Europe and the first signals of lifting restrictions on flights and crossing borders caused Poles to plan the upcoming holidays intensively. However, these plans differ significantly from previous years.
Google search results show that interest in all booking sites is increasing, but at the same time, Slowhop’s popularity, up till now niche platform for booking slow-style holidays is growing the most. Interestingly, it achieves a number of search queries comparable with such as mass portals such as Airbnb or travelist.It is also worth checking what type of accommodation Poles are looking for this year. In both Google and Slowhop queries, interest in isolated houses has increased significantly. There is still no recovery in the hotel industry, and agritourism, guesthouses and camping are on last year’s level.
From the location perspective, interest in places where a large number of tourists are expected has dropped significantly (e.g. Kraków, Zakopane), and regions perceived as secluded: Masuria, Bieszczady – increased massively.
The Slowhop portal surveyed 400 users to check changes in destinations’ preferences:
- Interest in independent trips abroad has fallen by half; – until now the most popular way to travel
- The most popular this year will be a atmospheric cottage (+ 47%), and atmospheric guesthouses (+ 32%);
- The most severe decrease: all-inclusive abroad – four times less such trips this year;
- Citi-breaks abroad and trips to the Polish hotels are twice less popular
- Interest in travelling by van and camping has doubled

We are clearly looking for peace, seclusion and nature. This is a significant change from previous preferences, which marketers should note; those who are looking for ways to reach consumers during the holidays, as well as those who want to introduce “holiday” communication in their marketing activities. As you can see, peace is the most important thing this year.
Source: Google Trend, Slowhop