This time, a look at innovation from a slightly different angle. Everything that we use and that surrounds us was first designed at some point. Fast Company recently selected the best cases in the Innovation by Design Awards competition. The list includes a tech hub which, in the face of the pandemic, quickly changed the way it operates and switched to preparing answers to current challenges, an app that, thanks to VR, enables exercises in the most beautiful places in the world, a platform for visualizing the possibilities in designing urban spaces, graphics about protests in Hong Kong, and much much more…
Innovation by Design 2020: The 30 winners that are changing our world
This year’s Innovation by Design Awards honor the 567 most creative designs in business. Click

Do you know that Instagram turned 10 a few days ago? During this time, it has grown from a simple website for uploading photos and giving likes to a huge platform, also for business. In 2012, Facebook bought Instagram for $ 1 billion, which seemed like a huge amount at the time. Last year, it brought Facebook $ 20 billion in advertising revenue. It is also a place where smaller companies flourish – Campaign has collected a few examples of British entrepreneurs who base their business communication on Instagram to a large extent. See how the platforms are used by a donut pastry shop, cactus shop, fitness trainer, fashion brand and the nude clothing brand.
Instagram at 10: The Brits who built their businesses on Insta

As Instagram turns 10, Campaign looks at its growth from niche photographic space to business-building platform, and talks to five UK entrepreneurs, including fitness guru Joe Wicks, about their experiences of using it to grow a brand.
Online is the main way couples meet, and the arrival of Tinder in 2012 accelerated the process even more. In 2017, almost 40% of heterosexual couples met on the internet, and for same-sex couples this share is even higher. Probably everyone knows Tinder (probably not everyone uses it), and after several years of presence on the market, the dating app wanted to refresh the experience a bit for its users. They decided to turn “ordinary” photo swiping into an interactive experience in which each interaction is added to the user’s profile to finally show her / him the best suited potential partners.
The action started in the US in 2019, in mid-September 2020 it was made available globally.

The Google Insight team took a closer look at phrases related to consumer behavior entered into the search engine in recent months. They observed four themes – consumers drive innovation in business, expecting greater virtualization of new areas, transfer habits from one category to another and expect, for example, home deliveries of everything that can be bought (however niche it may be), they look for more current and local information about stores and services, and are looking for more information about new product categories for them.
Search insights from Google Trends: 4 behavioural shifts that have changed retail
Search insights from Google Trends have shown shifts in demand and changes in consumer behaviour and expectations. Find out more about these insights.

YouTube wants to become a competition for Amazon and Alibaba. The world´s largest video site recently started asking creators to use YouTube software to tag and track products featured in their clips. The data will then be linked to analytics and shopping tools from parent Google.
Google (GOOG) Wants YouTube to Become a Shopping Destination – Bloomberg

Every toy, gadget and good you see on YouTube could soon be for sale online – not on Amazon, but right on YouTube itself.
Some tips on how brands can use PPA fields in search engines.
‘People Also Ask’ boxes: Tips for ranking, optimizing and tracking
PAA boxes appear in nearly half of all searches. Here’s how they work and how SEOs can use them to their advantage.
It turns out that AR can be a technology not only for humans but also for dogs. More specifically, it is used by humans to control and guide dogs when you can’t be close to them. The American army is testing dog goggles to be able to use them on the battlefield or in other difficult situations.
US Army trials augmented reality goggles for dogs – BBC News
The goggles could let handlers direct their dogs from a safe distance, the army says.