We already know that the lockdown and the crisis related to the pandemic had an impact on online shopping – many users, including people from older age groups, became convinced of this form of shopping and changed their shopping path. But how does it begin and where do we end our shopping?
Looking at the places of shopping, the top of the list are the commercial platforms, where Allegro undoubtedly dominates (94% of the study) – they also scored the highest jump from last year + 5 p.p.:

The survey conducted by IRCenter shows that the two most popular platforms are Allegro and Google and they are the ones that most often appear in the consumers’ shopping path. However, the results showed that it is Allegro that wins against Google among Poles when it comes to the beginning of the shopping path, and this success is also due to Allegro Smart:

If we take the whole shopping path into account, the conducted research shows that Allegro is still the leader, gaining 6 p.p. compared to last year:
Where do we make the purchase at the moment our path starts with Allegro and Google?
The users who started their path on Allegro usually finish their purchases there – as many as 82% of users indicated Allegro as their place of purchase. In the case of Google, the largest share is held by online stores (37% of users), but Allegro has also gained and maintains second place (31% and +9p.p. vs. 2019).